Greet your child with a smile, not a mobile!

Blue Circle
Greet your Child with a SMILE.jpg
Blue Circle
Greet your Child with a SMILE.jpg

Greet your child with a smile, not a mobile!

from £45.00

At the end of the school day, your children have lots to share with you. They may have stickers, they may have learned something really exciting they’d like to tell you about or they may just be tired and want a cuddle!

Please, leave your phones in your pockets for 10 minutes while you greet your child! Made from an aluminium composite for use outdoors and indoors. If your sign needs to be fitted to a fence or railing, please call us on 0191 417 2929 to arrange that.

These signs are priced from £40 depending on the size and are available in various sizes to suit your needs. For example a wall mounted 30cm x 30cm circular sign would be £40+VAT.

When placing your order, remember to let us know what colour you want your signs, and if you want your logos in! We’ll do the artwork from scratch and send that over to you for approval - a process that doesn’t take long at all!

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